Note: This is an updated version of this blog: How Long Should You Keep Financial Documents? It includes some edits to the original post and some
Apprise’s Five Favorite Reads for the Week of April 18, 2021
This week it almost feels like the return of winter. But it’s hard to feel too down about the cold temperatures. On Monday, my wife and I got our
Apprise’s Five Favorite Reads for the Week of May 9, 2021
I hope you are staying safe and healthy. Many things change as we transition from our work career to retirement. We switch from asset accumulation
Asset Location: It Can Improve the Tax Efficiency of Your Investments
Note: This is an updated version of this blog: Putting The Pieces Together: An Often-Overlooked Part of the Investing Puzzle. Some additional
Apprise’s Five Favorite Reads for the Week of June 6, 2021
Summer is fast approaching. Based on recent temperatures, it feels like it already started. The beginning of summer coincides with the end of the
How Do You Decide Where to Live When You Retire?
Today, I’m going to address the question: “Where will you live when you retire?” It’s not an easy question to answer. First, you must determine
Health Savings Accounts: A Triple-Tax-Free Retirement Benefit
Note: This is an updated version of this blog: Health Savings Accounts: An Often-Overlooked Tax Benefit. This blog was also updated in April 2023 and
Apprise’s Five Favorite Reads for the Week of May 23, 2021
On Thursday, I hosted the latest session in my “Ask Me Anything” webinar series: “Caring for Aging Parents: Are You Ready?” I hope you are staying
5 Tips: Helping Your Aging Parents Manage Their Finances
As a society, we often find it hard to discuss financial issues. Having that conversation with loved ones can be even harder. In fact, according to