Serving Female Led Households

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Personal Finance for Women

At Apprise Wealth Management, we take pride in being a trusted financial partner, especially for female-led households. Our mission is to enhance our clients’ financial lives as well as their understanding of financial concepts. We strive to deliver you with the holistic, customized guidance you deserve based on a foundation of trust and transparency. We strive to align people’s capital with what’s truly important.

Why Choose Us


Our approach to wealth management helps clients align their capital with what matters most to them.

It is through detailed financial conversations encompassing all aspects of our clients’ lives that we empower people to make informed decisions.


As fiduciaries, we give you guidance you can trust, and we care about your financial life. We provide advice that uses simple language to explain complex topics, helping to foster financial literacy. Our feeling is that the quality of our advice is based on the depth of the relationships we build with each client. We are committed to helping you meet your financial goals.


We do our best to avoid elevating stress levels. Therefore, you will never see a market barometer or breaking news on this site – that is simply more noise.

At Apprise, we understand that short-term tactics can be important but they must be executed based upon wise strategic decisions rather than best-guess predictions.    

Pathway to an Informed Retirement

Pathway to an Informed Retirement
1 443 690-5240

14840 Hunting Way Phoenix, MD 21131

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Beneficiary Designation Checklist

Naming a beneficiary to your account is a simple, effective, and flexible way to keep your assets out of probate after death. Use this checklist to make sure your accounts have correctly designated beneficiaries.

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Beneficiary Designations

How to Flourish Through Life's Big Changes
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