Tuesday Tips: Life Planning – Helping You to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes

life's big changes

This week’s Tuesday Tip addresses how our free E-Book can help you to flourish through life’s big changes. Please watch the video below to learn more. If you would like a free review of your current financial situation, please use this link to schedule a free call. You can find an edited transcript below the video.

It Starts with Life Planning.

Life is a journey, and money is a powerful companion. However, at times, it feels like we’re on this journey without a clear roadmap. This feeling can be even stronger when we face new beginnings such as a divorce, the loss of a spouse, a career change, or retirement. At Apprise, we recognize that accumulating wealth is not the ultimate goal – it’s about aligning your financial decisions with the life you envision. Before we delve into the transformative world of life planning, let me offer you a valuable resource – our free e-book, “How to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes – Five Steps for Women Facing New Beginnings.”

Often, life’s changes can feel overwhelming. That’s why, at Apprise, we’ve crafted this e-book to provide guidance and support, especially for women navigating new beginnings. After all, while saving and investing are crucial, they are the means to an end, not the end itself. Your financial plan should be a blueprint for your desired lifestyle, reflecting your values, goals, and priorities.

At Apprise, we take a different approach. We utilize a life planning strategy, going beyond financial goals and investments. We aim to not only help you accumulate wealth but also to guide you through life’s big changes. It’s about aligning your financial decisions with the life you desire. We want to help you live your most fulfilled life.

Take Linda, for instance. Utilizing the Kinder Institute’s EVOKE life planning process we helped Linda create a life plan that not only built wealth but supported her broader life goals. This helped her to not only navigate change but to flourish through it. The result? A financial plan that truly aligned with her aspirations. Her success story reflects the heart of what we aim to do for all clients.

Request Our Free E-Book

Now, the opportunity for you. Apprise invites you to download our e-book, “How to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes,” for free. It’s a guide crafted with care, offering insights and steps for women facing new beginnings.

Ready to receive your copy? Simply send an email to info@apprisewealth.com with the subject line “E-Book Request,” and we’ll send you your free guide. Your journey towards flourishing through life’s changes begins with a simple email.

For firm disclosures, see here: https://apprisewealth.com/disclosures/

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How to Flourish Through Life's Big Changes
Download Your E-Book For Women Facing New Beginnings

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