This week’s Tuesday Tip addresses how our free E-Book can help you flourish through life’s big changes. Please watch the video below to learn more. If you would like a free review of your current financial situation, please use this link to schedule a free call. You can find an edited transcript below the video.
Step 3: Plan for Longevity:
In the journey of life, we’re living longer than ever before. A beautiful reality, but it brings a challenge – the need to plan for a longer and more fulfilling retirement. Especially for women, who often face unique risks due to their longer life expectancies.
Welcome to our e-book, “How to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes – Five Steps for Women Facing New Beginnings.” Today, we’re focusing on Step 3 – “Plan for Longevity.” In this step, we strive to guide you through potential hurdles, so that if you do live longer, you can potentially live better in retirement, too.
Let’s look at the facts together by reviewing the primary challenges women might face – outliving assets, loss of a spouse, healthcare expenses, and inflation. But worry not, because knowledge is power, and with the right strategies, we can overcome these challenges.
To empower you, we’ve compiled actionable tips in our e-book. Maximize your Social Security benefits by waiting until 70, consider working longer for added income and benefits, and think about long-term care to secure your health and finances. If you’re married, remember to consider both you and your spouse when making Social Security claiming decisions, too. These are just a few steps towards a more secure retirement.
Now, take the next step. Download our e-book, “How to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes,” for an in-depth guide on Step 3 – “Plan for Longevity.” Equip yourself with valuable insights and strategies tailored for women facing new beginnings.
Now, we offer you the chance to implement these strategies. Apprise invites you to download our e-book, “How to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes,” for free. It’s a guide crafted with care, offering insights and steps for women facing new beginnings. In it, you will find many useful tips including steps you can take to better plan for longevity.
Simply send an email to with the subject line “E-Book Request,” and we’ll send you your free guide. Your journey towards flourishing through life’s changes begins with a simple email.
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