Tuesday Tips: Flourishing Through Life’s Big Changes: Build a Solid Financial Foundation – Step 2

Tuesday Tips: Financial Foundation
This week’s Tuesday Tip addresses how our free E-Book can help you flourish through life’s big changes. Please watch the video below to learn more. If you would like a free review of your current financial situation, please use this link to schedule a free call. You can find an edited transcript below the video.

Step 2 Build a Solid Financial Foundation

When it comes to saving for retirement, women face unique challenges, ranging from earning less to living longer. At Apprise, we understand these headwinds and are here to guide you through building a solid financial foundation that can lead to a larger and more protected nest egg.

Women, on average, earn about 80 cents for every dollar men make. Shorter working careers due to caregiving responsibilities and the gender pay gap lead to lower savings and Social Security benefits. The risk of outliving retirement savings is a harsh reality for many.

But here’s our promise – there are actionable steps you can take to build a solid foundation. At Apprise, we’re committed to providing guidance to ensure your financial well-being, even in the face of these challenges.

An Example

Consider the story of Linda, who faced similar difficulties. Through our guidance, she built an emergency fund, repaid debts strategically, crafted a budget, and started saving early. These steps led to financial security and confidence. We also helped her get more strategic about taxes. Incorporating tax planning into your investment strategy can help you to lower your lifetime tax bill. It can also help optimize the cost of transferring assets to your heirs or charitable causes that you support. Plus, we helped Linda protect herself, her assets, and her loved ones by helping her determine what insurance coverage she needed. The combination of these elements allowed Linda to build the solid financial foundation she desired.

Now, we offer you the chance to implement these strategies. Apprise invites you to download our e-book, “How to Flourish Through Life’s Big Changes,” for free. It’s a guide crafted with care, offering insights and steps for women facing new beginnings.

Simply send an email to info@apprisewealth.com with the subject line “E-Book Request,” and we’ll send you your free guide. Your journey towards flourishing through life’s changes begins with a simple email.

For firm disclosures, see here: https://apprisewealth.com/disclosures/

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