Apprise’s Five Favorite Reads for the Week of July 12, 2020

Money in a nest egg for financial security


On July 8th, I hosted my first “Ask Me Anything” session. In it, I addressed the question, “Which retirement account options are best for you.” I also answered other questions asked by those in attendance. You can find a recording of the session here. The next session will be on Wednesday, July 22nd at 12:30 pm. The session will start with this topic: Do you really know how much you’re paying for financial advice? If you would like a link to the session or want to send me a question ahead of time, you can email me. I hope you can join me.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

Last Saturday we celebrated our oldest son’s birthday. Happy birthday, Joshua!

This week’s first article asks if you can save too much for retirement. The question does not have a simple answer. When working on financial plans, I find some clients have more than they need to live the life they envision in retirement. Other times, I find they don’t have enough. That means choices have to be made and priorities set. Can you enjoy the life you want before you retire and still have enough left to live your desired lifestyle in retirement? If you can, then you have probably done things right. If you don’t plan to leave a legacy and can’t spend it all in retirement, you may have saved too much. It’s all about finding the right balance.

The market continued its strong rebound from its late-March lows. Following Wednesday’s gains, the S&P 500 Index is down only 0.1% year-to-date and less than 5% from its mid-February highs. Investors continue to look past this year’s earnings weakness in hopes of an upturn in 2021. Optimism about a potential vaccine has also benefited recent performance.

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Here are the links to this week’s articles as well as a brief description of each:

1.   I Have a Seven-Figure Nest Egg – Am I Saving too Much for Retirement? Can you save too much money for retirement? It depends. Are you missing out on things because of your savings? What are your goals for your present and the future? Will you achieve them? Finding balance matters. If you can enjoy life while saving and preparing for retirement, then you have probably done a good job. One concern: Having the financial resources later in life without having the health or even the desire to travel.

2.   How to Prepare Yourself for a Return to the Office. The increase in new coronavirus cases is slowing down efforts to re-open many businesses. At the same time, some people have returned to the workplace and more will over time. Many fear going back to work. The major reason: They worry they will get sick. This article offers several tips to help make your transition back to the office easier.

3.   Don’t Leave a Mess. Getting your estate in order should be part of your financial plan. An estate plan does not have to cost a lot of money. It can be pretty simple to do. This article shares seven must-haves. I would add two more:

·        Advanced care planning

·        A “When I Die” file

4.   Pandemic Choice: Reopening Schools and the Economy. Some pandemic-related questions are hard to answer. When do we open the economy? What about our schools. I am glad somebody besides me has to make these decisions. As parents, my wife and I have had many discussions about how the education of our children will be handled this fall. While he missed out on the social aspects, our college-age son had regular instruction and a regular schedule from March-May last year. All of his classes may be online again this fall. We hope our public schools do a better job of teaching students in the fall. We were quite disappointed with how last year ended.

5.   9 Most Overlooked Tax Breaks for Retirees: Kiplinger. When you retire, you still pay taxes. You may even pay more than you did when you worked. This article shares some overlooked tax benefits for retirees. In particular, think about the “RMD Workaround” and avoiding the “Pension-Payout Trap.”

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We hope you find the above posts valuable. If you would like to talk to us about financial topics including your investments, creating a financial plan, saving for college, or saving for retirement, please complete our contact form. We will be in touch. We can schedule a call or a virtual meeting via Apprise Wealth Management’s Zoom account.

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