At Apprise Wealth Management, we want to help people make better decisions about money. We also read constantly and like sharing some of our favorite commentaries each week.
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Here are this week’s articles as well as a brief description of each:
1. Top 10 RMD Goofs Gaffes And Blunders. In the year you reach 70 ½ you must start withdrawing money from your traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Failing to comply with these rules can result in significant penalties. This article shares some of the most common mistakes individuals make when taking their required minimum distributions (RMDs). Financially, one of the most significant errors you can make is failing to take your RMD. Substantial penalties can result.
2. Mysterious. The European Central Bank, as well as several countries, currently have negative interest rates. What are their consequences? Will they make it to the U.S.? There are some who think they could. To me, the concept is a bit difficult to comprehend. Can you imagine having to pay a bank for holding your money? After all, that’s what happens when interest rates are negative. Oaktree Capital Management’s Howard Marks published his latest memo on October 17th. In it, he shared some thoughts on negative interest rates. When they reach my inbox, Marks’ memos always move to the top of my reading list.
3. Will $1 Million Be Enough in Retirement? It Depends. Even if you have reached your targeted savings for your retirement nest egg, you may still have some hard decisions to make. You may have to answer questions such as the following:
· How should you allocate your assets?
· Have you truly saved enough?
A related question that you can’t answer with any degree of certainty: How long will you live?
4. 10 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview to Really Stand Out. Do you or someone you know anyone who has a job interview in their near future? When you go to a job interview, are you at a loss when you are given the opportunity to ask questions? If so, this article offers some great suggestions. I always like to ask this pair of questions:
· What made you decide to join this company?
· What has persuaded you to stay?
5. Here’s How to Avoid Costly Medicare Mistakes When Retiring After Age 65. A growing number of Americans plan to continue working after their 65th birthday. If you do, review your Medicare options before you decide to call it quits. You want to avoid a coverage gap as well as the expense that comes with missing deadlines. For example, late enrollment in Medicare Part B results in a penalty of 10% for each year you should have been signed up but neglected to enroll. This penalty is added to your premium for as long as you live.
We hope you find the above posts valuable. If you would like to talk to us about financial topics including your investments, creating a financial plan, saving for college, or saving for retirement, please complete our contact form, and we will be in touch. We can schedule a call, a virtual meeting via Zoom, or a meeting at Apprise Wealth Management’s office in Northern Baltimore County.
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