What is a Conversation Circle?

It is a meeting of willing women who engage in respectful conversation. A Conversation Circle is a structured, inclusive discussion to share thoughts, experiences, and insights on a specific topic. Conversation Circles often create a supportive and empathetic environment, allowing for deeper connections and understanding. A Conversation Circle allows space to change from informal or opinionated conversations to authentic, meaningful conversations and increases your comfort around the too-often avoided topic of money.

Please join us in shifting the money conversation from avoidance to engagement. We invite you to embrace and engage in healthy conversations about money and values. Register today, join one, two, or all three Conversation Circles below.


Aligning your core values with your financial decisions can lead to empowerment and transformation. In this conversation circle, we discuss our values to help us better understand our money-related behaviors. Your values can serve as your guide for planning and decision-making. Focusing on your values can start you on your journey to living a fulfilling life.

Register Today

Join the Values Conversation Circle and gain clarity about your values to create stronger, healthier functioning relationships with money.

Money Beliefs

What are your first memories of money? Can you see how they play into your money beliefs today?
In this circle, we will explore our money beliefs and reflect on how our early money memories can impact how we think and feel about money today.

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Join the Money Beliefs Conversation Circle and challenge yourself to lean into a healthier way of thinking about money.

Three Questions

George Kinder’s Three Questions are foundational to life planning because they help you identify what is most meaningful to you. In this Conversation Circle, we will explore your priorities and living your most fulfilled life.

Register Today

Join the Three Questions Conversation Circle and challenge yourself to pull away the “should” and “ought to” layers and begin to live your authentic life plan.

Beneficiary Designation Checklist

Naming a beneficiary to your account is a simple, effective, and flexible way to keep your assets out of probate after death. Use this checklist to make sure your accounts have correctly designated beneficiaries.

View Checklist

Beneficiary Designations

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